I just learnt that today is National Coming Out Day.  Yipee!!  There are many who ask if there is a need for such a day – after all, we do not have days to support our heterosexuality. People, do not go around saying, ‘hey, I need your support, I am coming out as a heterosexual”.   But, we have to remember that heterosexuality is normative, a.k.a, socially acceptable and homosexuality is still unacceptable in many quarters.  In some parts of the world homosexuality is  considered as being a mental health disease.  There is still a lot of work that still needs to be done in terms of psychology and the gay community.

But, what I do know for sure is that coming out as being different or having a different sexual orientation in today’s heteronormative world is extremely difficult and many like these need some form of support as they step out globally to claim or reclaim who they are.

Honestly, I believe that each person’s sexuality is their personal business and people should not be punished for where they lie on the sexual scale.

For those who will be coming out today:  Be You!

For those who choose to remain in the closet for whatever reason: Well, that’s a choice.

To the world at large:  I hope we learn to just accept people as they are without trying to fit them into our own view of what the world is or what is ‘believed’ to be right.

Happy Coming Out Day!!

From This Very Happy But Extremely Supportive Heterosexual,